Who Are We?
SeenThis is a pioneering technology company that specializes in the instant delivery of high-quality digital creatives. Our cutting-edge and proprietary adaptive streaming technology guarantees that digital ads—both static and video—load instantly at the highest possible quality while minimizing data transfer. Serving billions of streams for 5,000+ brands in 50+ countries, the company is on a journey to reshape the AdTech industry — for good.
We are in a better position than ever to realize our vision; to create a fast internet with a smart footprint.
– Jesper Benon, CEO
Clients Globally
Our story
The Beginning +
- Founded in 2017, SeenThis' groundbreaking adaptive streaming technology was launched.
Global Expansion +
- - First customers in the US and APAC secured
- - Opened office in Oslo
- - Reached 30 employees
- - First office opened in the US
Solutions for Impact +
- - First investment secured for continued global growth
- - Business focus on environmental impact
- - Reached 100+ employees worldwide
2023 to Now
The New Marketing Era +
- - Launched our ground-breaking segment-by-segment optimization
- - Reached over 40 billion streamed impressions
- - Realizing our vision - to create a fast internet with a smart footprint
Who We Serve
Our adaptive streaming technology is used by global advertisers, agencies and publishers alike, supporting them in their journey to capture consumer attention in the moments that matter. Our easy-to-use creative platform and solutions offering means you can take full control of your ad campaigns, or simply let us take the heavy lifting off your hands. No matter where you are in your high-quality ad journey, we’ve got you.

Join Us!
We are growing at a rapid pace, always on the look out for new talent to join our global team. If you want to be part of something special, why not join us? Explore our career opportunities today!